Monday, January 23, 2012

Rose Petals

While rubbing Crabtree and Evelyn's rose scented cream into my hands, I sniffed, realizing that this was the same lotion that graced Tasha's skin. Friends gave her boxes of Crabtree and Evelyn products, and whenever I see that name, I think of Tasha who prefered natural fragrances. Once she gave me a bottle of Tea Rose perfume, saying that it reminded her of the roses that filled her garden with their heady scent. We both loved old roses and over tea, would discuss various ways to take cuttings or we shared stories of "rescuing roses" from abandoned homesites and old cemetaries. And of course, we were both blessed to have slips given to us by friends.

I loved the Cecile Bruner rose that climbed in her green house, sending out sprays of delicate pink. Despite the snowflakes fluttering against the glass roof, we gathered roses that Tasha floated in small pink luster bowls or she decorated a cake with the shimmering petals. No matter what season swirled around Corgi Cottage, Tasha tucked flowers into corners. Primroses lined the wintery kitchen windowsill while camillas glowed from a large Canton china basin. I suppose Tasha's New England spirit discovered these small ways to battle the winter with beauty and fragrance.


  1. Such sweet little memories that give such insight into Tasha's everyday life. Thank you again. Your blog has become a daily delight!

  2. Beautiful ~ I can smell the roses now... ~Amy

  3. Thank you, Amy, and I enjoyed reading about you, another fellow Michigander. Do you play your fiddle at sessions? It would be fun to play music together:)

  4. Yes, I used to play at sessions, but have gotten away from it. I would love to do that again sometime. I took bluegrass and old time lessons, but am craving some ancient Celtic tunes to learn. (:
